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Learn How To Fight Frontal Hair Loss With 3 Effective Home Remedies

Learn How To Fight Frontal Hair Loss With 3 Effective Home Remedies

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We know it’s hard to see yourself losing hair up to a point where you’re going bald. Due to our lifestyle in these modern times and due to genetics, men have started balding in their 30s. Read on to know more about frontal balding and also how to prevent it for as long as you can.

Male pattern balding is the most common phenomena amongst men. Frontal hair loss is the initial stage of male pattern baldness and can be prevented with the use of modern technology and home remedies. Say goodbye to all your worries and know our secrets on how to inhibit frontal baldness.

What Is The Cause Of Frontal Hair Loss?

Genetics are usually the main cause of frontal male balding, as increased level of a hormone called DTH causes the hair to fall out. Besides that, an unhealthy diet and lifestyle, psychological and physiological stress, hormonal imbalances, scalp infections, bad handling of hair as well as illness and medications cause your hair to thin and eventually fall off.
Frontal hairline regrowth is possible. And we will tell you how!

3 Effective Home Remedies For Frontal Baldness 

To start with, frontal baldness treatment at home is possible and will give you results. You need to be diligent and regular with these procedures to actually see a difference. So, don’t lose hope soon and continue following these methods to prevent losing any more hair to vicious balding.
1. Hot oil massage
A coconut hot oil massage stimulates growth and prevents more hair from falling out of your scalp. It also maintains the growth by making your existing hair stronger and more flexible.
  1. Take a couple of tbsps. of warm coconut oil and massage your head for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Keep it overnight and wash it off in the morning with a mild shampoo. Head & Shoulders Cool Menthol is our recommendation, as it is gentle on your hair, and cleans it thoroughly
  3. Repeat 2-3 times a week and notice the difference in your hair in just a few months!
2. Fenugreek seed oil
Packed with protein and high amounts of vitamin C, fenugreek (methi) seeds are a great ource of nourishment for hair. Full of nicotinic acid which is considered a great hair booster and hair follicle energizer, these seeds will bring that barren land to life.

Steps To Use:
    1. Warm 5 tbsp. of olive oil and throw in 2 tbsp. of fenugreek seeds in it
    2. After the seeds are partially fried, strain the oil
    3. Apply as much as you need on your hair and scalp and massage your head for 15 minutes
    4. Keep it overnight and wash off with lukewarm water and shampoo in the morning
    5. Repeat this method 3-4 times a week and stop your hair fall in no time
3. Lemony-amla oil
A great source of vitamin C, lemons helps your hair grow thicker and stronger with each application. Amla, as we all know, strengthens hair and gives them a boost of health.

How To Use:
  1. You’ll need equal quantities of fresh amla juice and lime juice
  2. Apply it to your hair and scalp for 15 minutes
  3. Rinse it out with water and a shampoo
  4. You need to repeat this procedure at least 2-3 times a week. This will help you curb that frontal balding for sure!
In 5-6 months of religiously following these methods, you should notice a difference in the hair growth as well as the quality of your hair.

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