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useful weight loss tips

useful weight loss tips

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  • Exercise is a key part of weight loss. The American College of Sports Medicine recommend adults get 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week, which equals 30 minutes 5 days a week. People should speak with a doctor before starting a new workout routine.
  • Concentrate on making healthful changes instead of concentrating only on the number on the scales. Mini goals may feel less overwhelming than one large goal.
  • Avoid labeling foods as "good" and "bad." Forbidden foods can lead to cravings and then guilt when those foods are eaten. Choose nutritious foods most of the time and enjoy treats in moderation.
  • Avoid getting overly hungry. Waiting to eat until starving can make it harder to be mindful of healthful choices.
  • Planning meals ahead of time can help ensure healthful choices are available, especially since many restaurant meals tend to be higher in calories, fat, and salt.
  • Enlist friends and family members to help support health goals and behavior changes.
  • Consult a registered dietitian who is a food and nutrition expert and can provide individualized information to help with weight loss.
  • Work on getting adequate sleep and managing stress levels in addition to choosing healthful foods and staying active, as sleep and stress affect health.

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